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intro intro
mineral_accretion_furniture Mineral Accretion Furniture
m.a.f._poster M.A.F. Poster
m.a.f._before_immersion M.A.F. before immersion
artificial_reef_process Artificial reef process
mineral_accretion_sample Mineral accretion sample
artificial_reef Artificial reef
maf-process MAF-process.
prototype_before_immer_2194 Prototype before immersion (Gili)
immersion__1 Immersion #1
immersion__2 Immersion #2
immersion__3 Immersion #3.
implantation_of_corals Implantation of corals
day_1 Day 1
day_3 Day 3
2_months 2 months
5_months 5 months
6_months 6 months
6_months_bis 6 months
10_months 10 months
year_1 Year 1
16_months 16 months
3_years 3 years
perspectives__1_vernac_2184 Perspectives #1 vernacular production
perspective__2_in-situ_2185 Perspective #2 in-situ production
perspective__3 Perspective #3 coastal development
perspective__3_bis Perspective #3 coastal development